Why haven’t I received any emails confirming my order or shipping yet?

First things first, check your spam box! (That includes your junk folder too!) Otherwise, you should receive an order confirmation email confirming your order right after you place it. The most common reason why that might not reach you is, you guessed it, a typo in the email address you provided! That being said, it's always worth it to check any other inbox you might be using as well, as sometimes Apple Pay and ShopPay will auto-fill using an old or unused email address. If you think you may have made a typo in your contact information, just let us know! 

Regarding shipping confirmations, you won't receive one until we have created a shipping label for your package. Once we have, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details as well. Do not be alarmed if your tracking shows no updates within the first few days of receiving this, as a printed label does not automatically mean your order has been shipped. We usually do so within 3-5 days of receiving the order initially, depending on the influx of orders we have at that time. 

If you have any other questions regarding your order, feel free to email us at info@shoparq.com or feel free to check your account, if you made one at checkout. <3